Join the SmartThings Ecosystem


Promote your products to more than 380 million global Samsung SmartThings users when you receive a Works with SmartThings (WWST) certification.


  • Easily Certify Your Products: Utilize our Developer Center Tools to make certification easy and efficient.  
  • Leverage Our Expertise: We support a wide range of product categories and features providing for a robust user experience. 
  • Unlock Co-Marketing Opportunities: We'll showcase your products with purchase links in the SmartThings app and on our website as well as spotlight your brand through digital content and campaigns, PR, and events.     


  • "We recognized the importance of adding SmartThings to our portfolio. The integration with WWST proved to be the perfect opportunity to enhance our offerings. We were genuinely impressed with how seamlessly we obtained WWST certification."



Get in touch today to begin your WWST certification!